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Vector 3 55

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Every single entity in a 3D game world will make use of the Vector3 class. A position, a movement direction, gravity, the points in some models geometry, particles or sometimes even rotations will depend on Vector3. If there is one Class that is used in every 3D game on the planet, then it's probably Vector3. Since it will be used so frequently, it's very important for us to implement it as fast and lightweight as possible.

A Vector3 basically consists of x, y and z as float values and a few operations like distance calculation. A commonly used implementation is straight forward like this:

Aedes albopictus (Stegomyia albopicta), from the mosquito (Culicidae) family, also known as (Asian) tiger mosquito or forest mosquito, is a mosquito native to the tropical and subtropical areas of Southeast Asia; however, in the past few decades, this species has spread to many countries through the transport of goods and international travel. IPL, Harness Vector 3 - 55, 2007-08, Accessories; IPL, Harness Vector 3 - 55, 2004-01, Accessories; IPL, GR41 from 2014-12 -, BRUSHCUTTERS/CLEARING SAWS. Scarlet Down Rocket Lance: Increased Force from a range of 5520 Fixed/4510 Variable to a range of 5550 Fixed/4540 Variable; Increased Damage from a range of 2315 to a range of 2422. Teros To compensate for the total commitment time required for Teros' Side Axe we have increased the travel speed of this Signature, resulting in greater. The Vector 3 provides valuable feedback from both pedals; the 3s provides data from only the left pedal. It can be upgraded later with a right pedal power meter. Specs: +/- 1.0%; 316g (3) 324g (3S) 120 hours of battery life; LR44/SR44 (x4) ANT+/BLE Communication; Keo Cleat type; 53 or 55 Q factor; 11.5mm stack height; 31.7 degree cornering.

Many people will think of this when they think about a perfect implementation of Vector3, which makes perfect sense.
The main reason that we are programming in C++ is the performance though. Because of that, our goal will be to not just have a good Vector3 class but also one that is as fast as possible: We will do this by not using a class at all but instead sticking with simple arrays of float values (which is faster and saves us a lot of trouble with operators).

Here is an example:

As we see here, it does about the same thing, yet we save some calculations when not creating a special Vector3 object, but just using a float array that holds three values. Notice how we don't use x, y and z but instead v[0], v[1], v[2] which means our 'x' is in the first position of the array, our 'y' in the second and our 'z' in the third.

What seems like a minor change could make all the difference between having 60 FPS or just 55 FPS in our games, hence why we like the faster example (the second one) more. Besides, using arrays and indices will make it easier for us to implement some more complicated algorithms like linear (in)dependence.

Let's take a look at a few important functions that we will have to implement in order to have a halfway complete Vector3 'class'(to be exact: it's not really a class, it's just a few functions).

Note: it's a good idea to use C++ namespaces here and put all Vector3 functions into one File so it looks like this:

Using the inline operator is a good idea for our Vector3 functions, it saves some computations and instead will increase our game.exe file size a bit - which is a good deal since every FPS increase matters.

Note: If you don't know what to do with this 'vec3::' or 'inline' part, just leave it out for now, it will also work without it.

Implementation of Vector3 Inverse

Since it was already used above, let's talk about the inverse function first.

As we can see, it simply inverses each component of our Vector3. For example, if we have (0, 1, -2) it will change it to (0, -1, 2). This process is called inverting and it applies to many datatypes, not just to Vector3. While we might not need it for the most simple games, it will definitely come in handy when implementing some more interesting algorithms. Apple portable keyboard.

Implementation of Vector3 Compare

Its very important that we understand how to properly compare floating point values in C++.
Since we do understand it, we can use this knowledge and apply it to our Vector3 very easily:

Note: const makes sure that we don't change any value of the two vectors in this function, it's basically one of many best practices in order to create better software. If this is too overwhelming for you, then feel free to leave const away until you know what it does.

The function compares the first Vectors 'x' value with the second ones 'x' value, then the same with 'y' and 'z'. If all three times the cmpf function returned true, then the result will be true as well.

Vector 3 550

We will use this function about everywhere in a game. For example if a player is running towards a certain point, we will have to find out if he already reached it by (for example) comparing his position with the point like this:

Implementation of Vector3 Copy

The copy function does what its name already says, it copies a Vector3:

Notice how the first Vector3 'v' is const, that guarantees us that the function doesn't change it in any case.

A common usage would be for physics. We want to find out if a player can still move a bit forward or if he would hit a wall then. To do so we could just change the players position and then find out if he is in the wall already, but a more elegant solution would be to copy it and then change and test the copy, so it doesn't look like the player is in the wall. Example:

Vector 3 55 4k

This is more a pseudo-code and would be done slightly different in reality, but it's still a good example to show what copy can be used for.

Implementation of Vector3 Translate

Vector 350 Watt Power Inverter

Very often we will have to add a Vector3 to another Vector3, this is what is usually called Translation. The implementation is very straight forward, since we just have to add two float values each time (for x, for y and for z). The only thing that's interesting is that we have no return value, but a third parameter that will be our result. Example:

Here is the implementation of our translate function:

It's almost straightforward, except for the fact that the function does not return float[3] but instead the third parameter is the result. The reason is that in C++ a function simply can't return float[3], it would lead to compilation errors.

Note: the function is often called 'add'(since it just adds two vectors). But since we are mostly in the computer graphics area here, we will call it Translate.

Vector 3 Container

Implementation of Vector3 Scale The scale function is very similar to the Translate function, but this time it's multiplication instead of addition:

If our player gets a Level-Up, we might want to increase his model size a bit by 10%. In cases like that we will need a Vector3 Scale function, here is a usage example:

Vector 35 Inc

Implementation of Vector3 Distance

Let's come to the distance function mentioned in the foreword. The distance is a bit more complicated to calculate, but still no reason to get confused. It's very simple:

We could use that function when implementing a Monster that attacks a player if he is in a certain range to the monster, like this:


With the previously implemented functions we now have the basics of the Vector3 class in a clean and fast way.

As a small exercise, feel free to implement the 'Length', 'Dot Product', 'Norm' and 'Set Length' functions as well, since they will be needed often. Wikipedia will provide you with enough information about what exactly they do and the functions above will help you to understand how to implement them in a fast and elegant way.

This file documents the use of the GNU compilers. Copyright © 1988, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997,1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this documentunder the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 orany later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with theInvariant Sections being 'Funding Free Software', the Front-CoverTexts being (a) (see below), and with the Back-Cover Texts being (b)(see below). A copy of the license is included in the section entitled'GNU Free Documentation License'.

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A GNU Manual

(b) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is:

You have freedom to copy and modify this GNU Manual, like GNU software. Copies published by the Free Software Foundation raise funds for GNU development.

Short Contents

Table of Contents

  • 2 Language Standards Supported by GCC
  • 3 GCC Command Options
    • 3.17 Hardware Models and Configurations
      • 3.17.3 AVR Options
  • 4 C Implementation-defined behavior
  • 5 C++ Implementation-defined behavior
  • 6 Extensions to the C Language Family
    • 6.16 Named Address Spaces
    • 6.36 Specifying Attributes of Variables
    • 6.37 Specifying Attributes of Types
    • 6.41 Assembler Instructions with C Expression Operands
    • 6.42 Constraints for asm Operands
    • 6.44 Variables in Specified Registers
    • 6.55 Built-in Functions Specific to Particular Target Machines
      • 6.55.3 ARM NEON Intrinsics
      • 6.55.6 FR-V Built-in Functions
      • 6.55.10 MIPS Loongson Built-in Functions
    • 6.56 Format Checks Specific to Particular Target Machines
    • 6.57 Pragmas Accepted by GCC
    • 6.59 Thread-Local Storage
  • 7 Extensions to the C++ Language
  • 8 GNU Objective-C features
    • 8.1 GNU Objective-C runtime API
    • 8.2 +load: Executing code before main
    • 8.3 Type encoding
    • 8.9 Fast enumeration
    • 8.10 Messaging with the GNU Objective-C runtime
  • 10 gcov—a Test Coverage Program
  • 11 Known Causes of Trouble with GCC
    • 11.8 Common Misunderstandings with GNU C++
  • 12 Reporting Bugs
  • GNU Free Documentation License


This manual documents how to use the GNU compilers,as well as their features and incompatibilities, and how to reportbugs. It corresponds to the compilers(GCC)version 4.7.4. The internals of the GNU compilers, including how to port them to newtargets and some information about how to write front ends for newlanguages, are documented in a separate manual. See Introduction.

  • G++ and GCC: You can compile C or C++ programs.
  • Standards: Language standards supported by GCC.
  • Invoking GCC: Command options supported by ‘gcc'.
  • C Implementation: How GCC implements the ISO C specification.
  • C Extensions: GNU extensions to the C language family.
  • C++ Implementation: How GCC implements the ISO C++ specification.
  • C++ Extensions: GNU extensions to the C++ language.
  • Objective-C: GNU Objective-C runtime features.
  • Compatibility: Binary Compatibility
  • Gcov: gcov---a test coverage program.
  • Trouble: If you have trouble using GCC.
  • Bugs: How, why and where to report bugs.
  • Service: How to find suppliers of support for GCC.
  • Contributing: How to contribute to testing and developing GCC.
  • Funding: How to help assure funding for free software.
  • GNU Project: The GNU Project and GNU/Linux.
  • Copying: GNU General Public License says how you can copy and share GCC.
  • GNU Free Documentation License: How you can copy and share this manual.
  • Contributors: People who have contributed to GCC.
  • Option Index: Index to command line options.
  • Keyword Index: Index of concepts and symbol names.

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